***The Hurley Ticker*** "If I spend all the money I have at Walmart, I will save more than I make." -early morning radio Search & Win

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Well, the time has come...

Yup, I'm going to post! I know, I know it's exciting, but as the grandfather from The Princess Bride says "Keep yer shirt on."

Okay, maybe I'm not that exciting, but I try. Anyhow, the ACTUAL "time" that has "come" is the time for putting into action those critical skills that Helen and I learned in Highschool. Yes, it's time to cram! My last day at work will be on the 11th, so I'm interested in leaving that afternoon. (Yes, Jacksonville is that bad; yes, Texas is that great.)

There are a couple of problems, though. We haven't finished packing yet and we don't know who is going to be moving us yet. Due to Helen's inferior procrastination skills we did actually start packing on Sunday. I haven't taught her well enough, what can I say?

In the mean time, I'll be running around like a crazy man trying to get all of my administrative stuff done before I leave the Marine Corps (not my fault). Helen, on the other hand, will be desperately trying not to pack the WHOLE house while I'm gone at work (also not my fault).

If we can leave on the 11th like I want to, then we'll take a week or so to drive home. I'm really excited about stopping along the way to see family and friends. It's also going to be good to take it easy and not kill ourselves trying to get home. There'll be plenty of work to be done once we get home, so we'll enjoy the transition for a while. I'm not looking forward to shopping for houses, but I AM looking forward to owning a house that I can customize and make our own. It's one of those things that you just kind of have to do. It's also one of those opportunities to make some really big, really expensive mistakes all at one time. One does what one must...

I'm also looking forward to going to college. I still haven't applied to Blinn yet, but I will, I promise. Eventually, I want to graduate from Texas A&M with a BS in Computer Science and a BS in something else (I'm looking at Astophysics right now, but we'll see). Then I want to go to the Vizlab and get an MS in Computer Visualization Graphics. Unfortunately, my copy of Lightwave (the program that they used to make Jimmy Neutron and all the Star Trek special effects) is making me cry, at the moment.

For some reason, Lightwave suddenly decided that it doesn't want to work for more than about 5 minutes at time. After just a few minutes, it just crashes without saving any of my progress. It's very frustrating when I just made about 5,000 polygons, and then have to go back and make them again and hope that I have time to save before it crashes again. This means that I can't compile any kind of portfolio for my application to the Vizlab. Additionally, if I'm going to do any kind of serious projects, I'm going to need several computers and a better video card. I could build a few computers that would do the trick for about $400 apiece, but the problem is that the video card that Lightwave recommends for their software goes for about $3000. The one that I've got is top of the line (for PC workstations) and would probably suffice, but I think it's the cause of my stability problems with Lightwave. I guess that's what I get for choosing a very expensive carreer.

Anyhow, that's pretty much all I have to say about that. Now I'm going to go run around Camp Lejeune like a chicken with my head cut off.

More later...


Blogger dave morris said...

I just graduated from the Viz Lab, and I got a link to your blog from a google alert. Anyways, let me know if you have any questions about the lab, and I'd be happy to give you suggestions about software other than Lightwave to use for your personal work (Lightwave sucks).

Blogger Sara said...

You're coming back the 11th? As in 2 days?????

Whooopppeeeeee!!!! When you're finished with all your crazy reunions of friends and family, we'll have to get together.

Just a note of encouragement - we once moved over a week before. As in, we learned Friday at 4pm that we'd be moving the next Friday. Fun times... but we pulled it off with a couple of days to spare. You'd be surprised what you're capable of with lots of caffeine!

Happy moving!!


Blogger Jackie said...

You guys are NOT allowed to move.

Okay, you are, but just closer to me.


Blogger Unknown said...

welcome home!!!!!!!!


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