***The Hurley Ticker*** "If I spend all the money I have at Walmart, I will save more than I make." -early morning radio Search & Win

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another Domestic Update from the Wife

Ok, so Matt always comes out with these controversial, idealistic posts that generate comments.. but for those of you who wonder about what our daily lives are like (aka, the womenfolk), here is a typical day:

5:15 am Alarm goes off the first time.

5:25 am Alarm goes off the second time. Hopefully we actually get up this time, followed by Matt getting ready and me making coffee and breakfast.

6:36 am Matt leaves for work, and I go back to bed.

After that it gets a bit sketchier. Generally I watch an episode of Dance Wars on the internet while I do the dishes that I should have done last night, followed by procrastinating and then lunch. Sometimes I run errands; today I checked the mail, took the trash ($1.50 per 30 gal. bag) and the recycling (free! we are so environmentally conscious now..) to the "convenience center," went to the commissary (hopefully we'll make grocery budget this month.. could be close, but I did remember to bring my reusable shopping bags. I told you we were environmentally conscious, plus they double bag EVERYTHING at the comissary, which leaves you with a MOUNTAIN of plastic bags very quickly), stopped by Sonic on the way home (Happy Hour!), looked for jobs on the internet, attempted to clean up the guest room since we'll be having a guest this weekend, and hung out with Matt when he got home.

So yeah, that's the daily frame work of our lives.

Now, I think I'll close with something inflammatory just to make sure I get some comments to this post... umm...

If you don't spay or neuter your pets, then you're a bad person!!! ...or a breeder. Whichever.

EDIT by Matt: In order to avoid upstaging Helen too soon, I'm posting a promised article on my thinking blog.


Blogger Katanna said...

Dogs rule, cats drool.


Blogger Sara said...

I'm very impressed that you get up and make breakfast for your husband. That lasted, oh, about 2 weeks after we were married. My head loves my pillow more than Jimmy loves fresh breakfast in the morning.

Bob Barker would be proud! Does Drew Carey say that now? I wonder...

Blogger Helen said...

Whoohoo! I got comments! I'm going to pad the number by adding one of my own. That's a good way to get comments, too..

Anonymous Anonymous said...




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